How we can help you amidst Covid-19
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How we can help you amidst Covid-19

We are open for business as usual to all patients who can self-certify they do not fit any of the following criteria:

> You have not traveled abroad in the last 14 days
> You are not suffering from either high temperature and/or cough
> You have not come into known contact with anyone suffering from Coronavirus

Online & Telephone Consults

If you answer YES to any of the above, do not worry, we can still help you. Click our ‘book now’ button or call 01473 652509 to book an online or telephone consult with one of our team. We will be able to advise you on how we can help further and outline some steps you can take for self-treatment if required.

What measures are we taking in clinic?

We are taking many measures, you can read all about our current policy in ‘our clinic policies for Covid-19'. Our policy will be updated regularly alongside government guidelines. We may decide to step-up our clinic policies ahead of decisions made by the government, please respect our decision and know that the actions we are and will be taking will be made with our patients and practitioners health as our highest priority. Where possible we will try our best to not cause inconvenience.

Here is a summary of in clinic actions we are taking and ask for your co-operation with:

  1. We will be checking on every patient's recent travel/holidays before they attend an appointment.
  2. If patients have traveled to affected areas or been in contact with people who have, please follow the advice given by NHS 111 and cancel your appointment with us.
  3. Clinicians are maintaining their high standards of hygiene and handwashing between patients.
  4. Whenever possible we are keeping fresh air ventilating through our clinics. Windows will be open at regular intervals throughout the day.
  5. Diffusers are in our public waiting areas with natural oils that help to disinfect and purify the air quality in our buildings.
  6. Treatment rooms are disinfected between patients and disposable covers are used as usual to maintain standards of hygiene.
  7. We ask that you thoroughly wash your hands prior to entering our clinic rooms.

How we will progress

We are keen to continue to treat patients and as such, we need to ensure that our practitioners and environment maintain a virus-free status for as long as possible. As a team we have outlined stages we shall move through during this pandemic and we hope to be able to offer clinic appointments for as long as possible.

We hope we can continue to support you to the best of our ability during this unchartered time and we really value your custom as a small business. We will regularly update these pages with our policies and action steps. If you would like to stay up to date please subscribe to our news bulletin here.