Our clinic policies for Covid-19
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Our clinic policies for Covid-19

We are taking the pandemic of Covid-19 very seriously. Our aim is to continue with business as usual for as long as possible and for as long as it is safe for our practitioners and patients, for us to do so.

Hygiene standards in our clinics:

Our practitioners and clinics will continue to maintain their high standards of hygiene. Practitioners will ensure that hands are washed and hard surfaces sanitised between patients. We are asking all patients, prior to entering our clinic welcome areas, to wash their hands in our bathrooms which are located at the entries to our buildings.

Where possible we are keeping doors open to prevent people from having to touch door handles. We also try to keep fresh air ventilating through our building as often as possible, without causing temperature discomfort to our patients. In our welcome areas, we also have diffusers set up with essentials oils that are known for purifying the air.

You will find a hand sanitizer on our reception desk and we ask that this is used before making payment for the safety of yourself and others. You will find that we have single-use cups in place for hot drinks and water (made from recycled materials). We have also asked all practitioners to limit their social exposure to others to help limit their possible exposure for as long as possible.


Classes will continue to run. Surfaces and equipment will be cleaned before and after each class. Practitioners and instructors will continue their high standards of hygiene with regular hand washing whenever possible. Instructors will minimise the amount of hands-on contact with class attendees and if accepted by the group, we will keep fresh air flowing through our studios.

If you wish to bring a towel to cover our mats and bolsters, please do so and feel free to bring your own mat and equipment if it suits. We have single-use cups in place, but we would advise bringing your own water bottle to classes.

As a team, we are holding a weekly meeting to agree on the measures we are all prepared to take to ensure that we are able to stay healthy for as long as possible and offer you the best service we can amongst these unprecedented times. We will regularly update these pages with our policies and action steps. If you would like to stay up to date please subscribe to our news bulletin here.

Summary of actions we are taking in clinic:

  1. We will be checking on every patient's recent travel/holidays before they attend an appointment.
  2. If patients have traveled to affected areas or been in contact with people who have, please follow the advice given by NHS 111 and cancel your appointment with us.
  3. Clinicians are maintaining their high standards of hygiene and handwashing between patients.
  4. Whenever possible we are keeping fresh air ventilating through our clinics. Windows will be open at regular intervals throughout the day.
  5. Diffusers are in our public waiting areas with natural oils that help to disinfect and purify the air quality in our buildings.
  6. Treatment rooms are disinfected between patients and disposable covers are used as usual to maintain standards of hygiene.
  7. We ask that you thoroughly wash your hands prior to entering our clinic rooms.