Conditions we can help with
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Conditions we can help with

As a collaborative team, with a wide range of expertise, we can assess, diagnose, treat, and prevent a huge variety of health problems. We work together to advise the best pathway for the condition or issue that you present to us with and in many cases, we work alongside patients on an ongoing and regular basis to help their body to keep up with their life.

Our osteopathic team are often the best entry point to creating a successful treatment plan at Livelong. They are trained to check for signs of serious conditions and will readily refer you to your GP or a fellow health professional for further investigations if they feel it is necessary. They can also provide a range of health advice, including the best combination of services for your individual care at Livelong.

Our collaborative team can help with many conditions and symptoms that occur with:

  • Back pain
  • Sports pursuits
  • Getting older
  • Growing children
  • Workplace and driving
  • Headaches
  • Muscle and joint conditions
  • Skin health
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Sleep issues
  • Mobility restrictions
  • Getting/keeping active

You may find that a combination of services over time, give you the most efficient results. Our team continually assess your individual requirements and if they feel a fellow practitioner could benefit you and take your health journey another step further, they will readily suggest their involvement in your treatment plan.

How our collaborative team works:

A combination of practitioners can be a great power play for the prevention of injury and ill-health. An example could be a patient presenting with Migraines, here is one combination of practitioners that could be utilised to help treat and work to prevent this condition:

  1. Osteopath – full assessment, with the use of gentle hands-on treatment to alleviate any muscle or joint issues that could be leading to the onset of migraines. It may take a few treatments before further prevention treatments can be proposed, but a treatment plan can be fully discussed.
  2. Bowen Therapy - has been found by some to reduce headache frequency and severity as part of your overall treatment plan, both lessening the impact of your migraines, and reducing the overall number of migraines too.
  3. Massage – can help to release regular muscle tension build up and help to reduce the frequency of migraines.
  4. Pilates 1:1 – gentle controlled movement routine to be used to prevent and alleviate any stiffness or muscle tension that could be mounting up from the daily routine.
  5. Exercise prescription – some simple stretches that can be used regularly to keep your body mobile and prevent muscle tension from building up.

With a wide variety of expertise working in one clinic location, we can seamlessly collaborate to ensure that you are recommended the most efficient patient pathway. Our collaborative ethos allows us to work with you to help prevent the reoccurrence of conditions and optimise your health and wellbeing.

What to expect with your first visit to Livelong?

Prior to or on your first visit to Livelong, you will be asked to fill in a new patient form and we will need to ask some questions about your current symptoms, medical history, and your lifestyle. All information will be treated as confidential and kept in your own personal patient file. You can call our reception team at any time or email us with questions if you have any queries or concerns about your appointment.

What to wear to an appointment

For appointments that will likely include a body assessment, we ask that you wear suitable clothing for our practitioners to see and touch areas of the body that are causing concern. Sometimes the cause of the problem may be in a different area of your body to the pain, so a practitioner may need to assess your whole body. Workout clothing or close-fitting garments are often the most suitable for appointments, with stiff fabric such as jeans being inhibitive to hands-on treatment.

Our practitioners will always work and communicate with you to fully explain the treatment process, to keep you informed and at ease. You are more than welcome to bring a friend or relative to accompany you to your appointment or you can request a chaperone.