The Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique is a gentle therapy that is applied to areas of the body, using thumbs and fingers in a specific process or order.

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Bowen therapy is a holistic treatment which uses rolling-type movements, performed at different pressures, speeds and directions on small areas of the body. It works directly on the connective tissue of the body, known as the fascia. Between each set of moves, the therapist moves away from the patient to allow the communication process to take place; applying small pressured moves asks the body questions, stepping away gives the body a chance to answer. These breaks increase the effectiveness of each subsequent set of moves.

The move does not slide or flick over the surface of the skin but uses the slack in the overlying skin to move over the underlying tissue, so each move covers a small area, defined by how far an individual’s skin can move over a targeted area. Using careful pressure, the treatment ensures it does not elicit a reaction from the body's natural fight or flight response, allowing the body to initiate its healing process. The treatment works to help reset nerve endings and receptors that control our movement, balance and muscle tension.

Bowen is very gentle and suitable for all ages and vulnerabilities, it can be offered in a standing or seated position if necessary, and is offered with the client fully-clothed (clients should wear lightweight clothing and avoid heavy materials such as denim) .

Bowen can be successful in managing and supporting symptoms of conditions such as:

  • Headache/Migraine
  • Chronic Pain (particularly Back and Neck)
  • Joint & Muscle Discomfort including Arthritis
  • Stress, Depression, General wellbeing, supporting overall Health and Relaxation
  • Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel and RSI
  • Respiratory Conditions and Allergies
  • Tennis/Golfers Elbow
  • Nausea & Infant Colic
  • Kidney problems, IBS, Digestive & Bowel Conditions
  • Hormonal Balance
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid
  • Tinnitus, Ear Problems
  • Dyspraxia, Proprioception and Sensory difficulties
  • Preparing for and Recovering from Surgeries
  • Symptoms following a Stroke
  • Parkinson's disease